Notoriety® Original
Start Watching This 3x International Award-Winning Show
S1 | Fall 2020
Season 1
Success in life doesn’t come by accident. It comes by knowing yourself. Yet self-discovery and personal development are still frowned on in our Puritain valued society. Add on top of that a lifetime of social stories that have been taught that the fundamental core of who you are is not “good.”
Yet by understanding the core of who you are, you understand yourself, and from there, collectively, we can build relationships and lives of success.
3x International Award Winning Show
about NERI®
With over two decades of real-world knowledge and experience, 3x best-selling author and founder of The NERI® Method, Ali Craig, has supported thousands of entrepreneurs in building successful brands by understanding others and themselves. Because in the end, everything in life comes down to the relationship.
Once solely taught to her luxury, Wall Street C-Suite, clients - Craig now shares The NERI® Method with entrepreneurs and self-development junkies from around the world who look to better their relationship with themselves and everyone they meet.
Neuro Emotional Relationship Intelligence® (or NERI® for short) is about using your smarts (neuro) and your heart (emotional) to create passionate, powerful relationships throughout all areas of your life with yourself and with others, personally as well as professionally. All the while in an intelligent manner that uses your innate true beliefs, perspectives, and insights to your advantage as well as to all of your relationships.
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